Welcome to another fresh and beautiful flower tutorial. Florals seem like the perfect way to brighten up the grey winter days. 

I hope you are enjoying this series of projects as much as I am.

Today I am going to explore a different type of sculpted peyote project with you and show you how I made this three petalled Trillium bloom. I got the idea from a pendant project by Cathy Andrews called “Constellation Pendant.

The base pattern for her project is the four petaled version above. I can’t really teach you someone else’s work, but I can teach you how I experimented with my own concepts. 

Later on, there will be a video showing you my five petal experiment as well. So let’s dive right on into today’s tutorial. 

Materials List

I chose to use the materials listed here for my flowers but you can use any you like. The size of beads is specific to this tutorial and should not be changed or you outcome will be dramatically different. 

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The Set-Up

I advise working with a comfortable length of thread. Remember to stretch and condition your nylon thread. 

For most of this project we will use the burgundy beads, Color A.
Pick up three beads and tie two overhand knots. Move through the next bead to step up.

Pick up one A and sew through the next bead. Repeat twice and step up into the first bead added. 

Pick up two A and sew through the next bead sticking up. 
Repeat twice. 

At the end, step up into the first bead added. This will be the first bead of your first set of two.  

Set Up for Peyote

Pick up two A and sew down through the next bead, a herringbone stitch.

Pick up an A and sew up through the next bead of your next set of two from the previous round. 

Repeat the steps above two more times. 

As you add the last bead, sew up through the bead on the base plus the first bead added in this round, so two beads.

Herringbone Turns with Peyote in Between

Repeat the steps above two more times. 

Pick up two A and sew down through the next bead, Herringbone stitch. 

Pick up a bead and sew through the first bead sticking out.

Pick up a bead and sew up into the top bead at the next turn.

Repeat the steps above two more times. 

Remember from here on out, to sew through two as you add the last bead.

From here it is simple repetition for the next six rows. 

As you work each new row, the number of peyote stitches between the turns, increases by one. 

On the 6th new row you will have 8 peyote beads added between each turn.

Creating the Increases

Now we are going to do an increase in the center of each of the three sides. 
We are still going to do a herringbone stitch at the corner turns and peyote in between.

Start with a HB stitch and three peyote stitches.
Pick up two A and sew through the next bead sticking out.

Take three more PS and sew the last bead up into the HB at the next turn.

Repeat the steps above twice and remember to step up through two as you add the last bead of the round.

Repeat this round four more times until you have 7 PS beads between each of the six columns.

Notice that the new HB columns start to shift the bead work upwards and towards the center. 

This is the shape you should have at the end of these rounds.

Accent Beads

Do one more round using your accent color beads exactly the same as the increase rounds.

Stitch the last round using one accent bead for the PS’s and one bead at the HB stitches.

Forming the Flower

Move through the up and down beads of the first side until you reach the tip bead of a center HB column.

Sew through the tip bead of the next center  column on side two. 

Pull the three tip beads into a tight circle and sew through them a few more times to reinforce the center of your bloom.

Make enough passes so that the center stays together securely before adding the crystals or pearls.


Notice my working thread is exiting to the left of the seed bead. 
Pick up a crystal and sew down through the left bead on the HB stitch below.

Sew up the bead on the right and back through the crystal.

Sew  through the seed bead again from right to left to add a thread on this side and fully connect the crystal.

Sew into the next center seed bead. 

Repeat the steps above twice. When you are done, the working thread should be exiting the first seed bead once again. 

Sew through the first crystal. Pick up an accent bead and sew back through the crystal. 

Pick up an accent bead and sew through the next crystal.

Pick up an accent bead and sew back through the crystal.

Sew through the seed bead in the center plus the third crystal.

Pick up an accent bead and sew back through the crystal and the seed bead in the middle. 

Sew through the first crystal but not the seed bead at the end. 

Sew down into the HB column and keep moving down to the back of the flower. 

Weave the thread securely and end with scissors or thread burner.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and will explore and experiment on your own. 

Thank you for stopping by....