Announcing a New Series

This Summer, The Alluring Bead Boutique presents a brand new series for those of you who are ready to start your own Jewelry or Craft Business. 

This series is also designed to help those who may have already started a business, but need help in building a brand or a business plan and tying it all together. 

I hope to help you with the entire process from start to finish and by the time we are done, you should have all you need to launch your own online business presence that reflects your own personality, style and more importantly, your goals. 

We begin with the premise that you have done your due diligence, you have honed your skills as a Craftsman, and you are now ready to present your work and your story to the outside world. 

But where and how to begin??

I suggest starting with your Bio. 

Your Story and Your Work

A Bio is a great way to start.  It should include short and concise descriptions of your work and the most pertinent background info as it relates to your business….ie. your story.

  • Your Name
  • Your Background
  • Your Business’s Background
  • Your Products or Services
  • How you Provide your Products or Services

Before you start building your business and brand, it is vital that you have a roadmap.

A Business Plan or at least an outline of one, is a key factor for anyone starting a new business and to seasoned business owners alike.

Your Business Plan

Now don’t get intimidated by this step. The business plan I am talking about here is basically just an outline of your business and goals. 

It has taken me 3 years just to get mine down on paper and I look at it as a perpetual work in progress. 

As my business evolves, so does my business plan. 

Keys Elements of a Great Business Plan

  • What your business represents (Mission Statement)
  • How you want your business perceived (Philosophy)
  • Your  Target Clients – Customers
  • What are your Short Term Goals
  • What are your Long Term Goals 
  • How you plan to reach the outside world (Marketing and Sales)

I have found the Mission Statement and Philosophy statements to be the most difficult to put into words, but I try to keep in mind that I can change these statements as my business evolves. 

As we work our way through this series, you will be better able to define your business and use your business plan as a roadmap to guide you when setting up your online presence and public persona. 

Action Steps

Finally, you will need to decide on where you plan to sell your products and/or services and how you will market your business to make money. 

This series will focus on setting up your own business website and defining your brand.

You will learn how to keep your brand cohesive across all of your sales and social media platforms. 

Get you Notebooks out and start organizing your thoughts to be ready for the next installment of this series. 

Head over to my Business Resources Page to get a jump on Themes, Hosting and much more.